Here at Crescent City Window Tinting, one of the most popular topics after the sale is the care of newly installed window tint. Here are some of the driving points to properly caring for and understanding your window tint at your home or business.

How To Care For Tinted Windows

  1. Never use any type of cleaner that has ammonia in it on your window tint as it may eat away at the film. Ammonia on window tint is like kryptonite to Superman.
  2. Never, ever use any abrasives on your window tint. This includes scrubby pads, brushes, or cleaners that have abrasive in them. It will scratch your tint.
  3. You want to use an ammonia free glass cleaner. We really like the Sprayway and Invisible Glass cleaners. The foaming versions are usually ammonia free and work very well.
  4. Wait at least thirty days to clean your new window tint. This allows the adhesive in the tint enough time to properly cure. If you clean your windows too soon, you risk the possibility of the tint moving on the window and never setting up properly.
  5. When the window tint is applied to your glass, water is used as a lubricating agent between the glass and the film. During the installation process, the water is squeezed out using a squeegee. Small amounts of water may be left behind, causing mild hazing of the glass. You may also see what looks like small water bubbles in the tint. This is completely normal and will dry out over the next thirty days.
  6. Your window tint comes with a scratch resistant hard coat that is designed to protect the film. It is important to follow the above instructions to make sure the tint will last a long time and give you the return on investment you deserve.
  7. Prevent pets from scratching and pawing at the glass as this will damage the window tint.
  8. Never tape anything to the tint.

Following these simple, basic steps will help to ensure that your window tint gives you years of protection and enjoyment. We invite you to give us a call or contact us any time you have a question about the window tint we have installed for you. We want you to maximize your return on investment, and most importantly, we want to have you completely satisfied with your new investment.

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